Wednesday, December 30, 2009

everyone has a heroine

"'s like a drug to me, you're like my own personal brand of heroine ."

ni metaphore je. jangan involved ngan drugs plak.

sounds quite corny. metaphore jiwang yg lain mcm.
ni ayat dalam cerita Twilight. Si Edward cakap. Si Bella dengar. aku saksi.
whatever romantic tense it was at that time, ayat ni ada catchphrase la bagi aku.
aku tak la minat sangat...mcm org perempuan yg siap tules banner "Edward please bite me!" ape segala tu.

pasal phrase atas tadi. betul la.
untuk sape2 yg bawak watak "keras-ignorant-indifferent-not interested-mediocre attention" , mcm si vamp tu, walau mcmane pon mesti ade 1 insan perempuan yg buat dia act lain.
kalau perempuan tu disakiti, dia sakit jugak.
kalau perempuan tu kena kacau, dia jadi protective.
suka kalau perempuan tu xde masalah.kalau die wat menitiskan air mata, rasa nak mati.
dan kalau bersame ngan die, hepy dan cakap "if i'm with u i'm a happy man" haha.

betul la tu. lelaki ade heroine yg mcm dadah bagi die melt even sekeras2 dan se'indifferent2' die pon.
ni la yg menyebabkan die tak kisah sangat kalau org len nangis, tp kalau heroine nangis die xbleh tahan.
kalau org len wat needy dan mcm xde tulang belakang die x kisah (dan keji), tp kalau heroine buat tu nmpak just nice dan acceptable.

dan buat dia act 'creepy' and changed and weird and responded strange - as the result from being drugged by the heroine . effect. euphoria

akhir sekali kita tutup dengan 1 phrase lagu.

jealousy, turning saints into the sea
swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your allibies
but its just the price i pay,destiny is calling me,open up my eager eyes
coz i'm mr. brightside

motif sangat post ini.

pesanan weh! jauhi dadah.jangan amek heroin pulak . belia benci dadah kann


maya.sumaiyah said...

ye man.....*nada aida+ aku

fatimah raihan said...


Anonymous said...

sapekah heroinmu?


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