Saturday, August 31, 2024


It has been almost one year since my father in law passed away due to cardiac arrest. Arwah Abah; as we fondly call him- was a loving man, a caring member in family circles, a patient father to his 5 children, a steadfast practicing Muslim disciplined with his deeds, and a nurturing senior to fellow younger staffs at work. Many stories about his kindness came to light only after his abrupt departure, shared by his friends & colleagues.  Huge turnout during the funeral- which the family didn't expect to be honest because Arwah was not the extroverted social kind and furthermore it was late night & raining during the burial. So it’s apparent the impression he has left to many people. Abah worked in University where he has enabled many students in their studies. Makes me contemplate about the ephemeral nature of life.

Only way to leave a lasting impact is to do memorable kindness to others.



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