I am somewhat the 'outdoor guy' in my circle of friends- I hike & climb here and there, photos of me camping in the jungle or posing on some mountains pretty much made my fb profile..so yeah. Occasionally friends come to me to ask for a favour. "I want to go hiking/camping somewhere too. Can you bring me?"
Which is perfectly cool..felt great to be able (and trusted) to give them experience in the wilderness. Whenever this happen I got psyched up as well..I'll put great deal of effort to plan a perfect trip to somewhere reasonable, and the meals..I'm willing to haul up the loads to introduce good camping food to them. And I also think about what insights and stories that I'm going to share with them while trekking..Ah I just want friends to see and feel why this activities become such a big part of my life.
I rarely inquire too much on who's my friends are bringing in to the trips. They said they have some other people might tag along, and i was like cool..the more the merrier! I just need to know the number of pax to prepare the rations and for the equipments arrangement. My friend's friends are my friends too right?
Then my friend brings his girlfriend who also brings her friend with her boyfriend and yada yada..then I realize everybody in the formed group brings along their partner..but me. They all have minimal equipments and preparations whatsoever because I'm the one taking care of those stuffs. So things get awkward when every pair just minding their own bussiness, taking full care of their partners, happily jeering and chatting in twos, all the time from trekking (I led the way alone infront with the giggles and chatters behind me) preparing the meals (mostly done by me) and other things. I got very little social time. All my dreams plans to lift the atmosphere with whatever..are busted.
Extremely awkward times. My heart and minds just got severely confused every second during the experience.
I just can silently think
"Ohhh shiat"
Then the same thing happens again. Oh well here we go again..
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