Wednesday, April 10, 2019

unlearning acquired taste

sometime earlier this year when parents came over, my siblings & i had to pick a place for family dinner. My bro as the most familiar person with the hood suggested a place and i naturally question whether it's good enough. My bro quipped the place's just fine and " kalau nak cari yang sedap2 bagi abang ni susah".

That remark stayed with me, prompting an internal probe. Admittedly like most people I have my fair share of fussiness when it comes to food & all but is there anything too peculiar with my taste?

After some reading I came upon the term 'Acquired Taste'. [Google definition:] An acquired taste is an appreciation for something unlikely to be enjoyed by a person who has not had substantial exposure to it. One's liking and preference in a certain matter (food, clothing, or experiences in general) got skewed towards a certain way it's offered among all it's categorical alternatives. Often it's being associated with the learning of like the 'finer' things in life to the point that 'lower-tier' options no longer satiating. Acquired taste does not necessarily equals to heightened taste or higher price-point, but in most cases i believe the term is used to describe that. One example is : improvements in quality of life enable oneself to afford things in higher price point, subsequently he/she got accustomed to the experience it brings and no longer wants the 'cheaper' options.
And that's what i think I had. Acquired tasted in several higher tier stuffs.
Next thing i think is- How to unlearn acquired taste?
Because I figured if I can manage with the cheaper foods from warongs and clothings from bundle back when I was younger (and earn less), i can surely revert back and free up more money for savings. Afterall I vowed to live life by the concepts of minimalism, these are the kind of ideals that I'm supposed to click in.

So everyday since is a conscious decision making. Unlearning acquired taste.

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