Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Strokes Capitol Theater 2014 full (audio)

They're back in their rightful form!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

pasal boikot

  1. Baru-baru ni Sultan Brunei mengisytiharkan yang negara tersebut akan menguatkuasakan hukum syariah dalam perlembagaan dan pentadbiran negara.
  2. Sultan Brunei tidak berada pada kedudukan sama seperti Sultan-sultan negeri Melayu yang kini mempunyai kuasa dan peranan yang *practically* terhad. Sultan Brunei bukan sekadar 'aksesori', baginda terlibat dengan terus aktif dan dalam urus tadbir negara.
  3. Jadi bila Sultan Brunei membuat pengumuman tersebut, ianya sangat Legit.
  4. Media-media seluruh dunia menunjukkan minat mendalam terhadap hal ehwal dalam negara Brunei susulan pengistiharan Baginda Sultan.
  5. Kebanyakan media cetak & online antarabangsa mengeluarkan respon yang senada- mereka mengecam tindakan Sultan Brunei.
  6. Premis utama kecaman tersebut adalah "melanggar hak asasi manusia", "hukuman merejam sampai mati untuk kesalahan zina" dan "melarang penjualan arak dan lain-lain". Serta bermacam-macam lagi tajuk yang mengetengahkan hukuman-hukuman brutal bagi membentuk pandangan pembaca massa.
  7. Sultan Brunei kemudian mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi yang menjelaskan keteguhan pendirian kerajaan dalam isu ini, disamping menyindir pihak-pihak yang cuba memberikan gambaran salah tentang situasi itu.
  8. Berikutan itu, beberapa selebriti antarabangsa menyertai kecaman terhadap Sultan Brunei dengan memboikot rangkaian perniagaan diluar negara yang dimiliki kerajaan Brunei, untuk memberi tekanan ekonomi kepada Brunei.


  1. Insiden kehilangan pesawat MAS MH370 yang dijadual melakukan penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing sememangnya satu tragedi yang menggemparkan seluruh dunia.
  2. Sehingga kini masih belum ada penyelesaian bagi kes ini dan usaha-usaha mengesan keberadaan pesawat dan penumpang+krew masih diteruskan. 
  3. Walau apapun kesudahannya, keluarga mangsa, dan seluruh dunia perlu mengetahui kebenaran yang telah berlaku.
  4. Baru-baru ini juga Malaysia dikejutkan dengan insiden penculikan pelancong warga China di Semporna, Sabah oleh penculik Filipina yang mengarahkan wang tebusan diberikan untuk keselamatan mangsa. Insiden tersebut turut mendapat liputan meluas media antarabangsa.
  5. Walaubagaimanapun melalui rundingan dengan pihak penculik, tebusan tersebut berjaya diselamatkan sebulan kemudian.
  6. Dua insiden yang membabitkan negara China ini telah membuatkan hubungan dua hala  Malaysia-China teruji. Walaupun Beijing dan Putrajaya memberikan jaminan yang hubungan diplomatik antara kerajaan masih utuh, lain pula diperingkat rakyatnya.
  7. Sejak insiden MH370, beberapa sentimen yang menyeru rakyat China memboikot Malaysia telah kedengaran dari selebriti-selebriti negara tersebut.
  8. Kejadian penculikan pelancong warga China pula telah memburukkan lagi keadaan yang sedang bergolak.
  9. Warga China yang tidak berpuas hati dengan cara bagaimana kes MH370 dikendalikan telah melancarkan boikot untuk memberikan tekanan ekonomi kepada Malaysia.


  1. Di Malaysia, dimana Islam termaktub sebagai agama persekutuan dalam perlembagaan, rakyatnya telah diseru untuk memboikot beberapa produk dan barangan keluaran perusahaan yang membiayai pendudukan zionis di Palestin.
  2. Tindakan boikot ini menunjukkan solidariti rakyat Malaysia yang majoriti beragama Islam terhadap penindasan dan kekejaman U.S-Israel Zionis terhadap orang Islam di beberapa negara yang tertindas.
  3. Walaubagaimanapun, serta merta selepas kempen boikot dilancarkan oleh NGO-NGO Islam, ramai orang Islam di Malaysia terus menyuarakan skeptisisme dan keraguan mereka sama ada tindakan boikot ni praktikal dalam membantu saudara-saudara Islam yang teraniaya.
  4.  Ramai yang berpendapat bahawa tak perlu boikot2, kerana kesan tak seberapa pun dan tak kemana pun.Lebih berkesan terus derma je kalau betul nak tolong.  Atas pandangan begini mereka membuat keputusan untuk tidak turut serta.
  5. Sebahagian lagi berhujah bahawa memboikot perusahaan seperti McDonalds sebaliknya akan menjejaskan kehidupan rakyat Malaysia sendiri yang berkerja di francais tersebut. Nilai kemanusiaan ditekankan disini apabila tindakan boikot dilihat mengancam ribuan pekerja yang majoritinya juga beragama Islam.Perokok2 juga buat tak endah kerana rokok tu dah sebati dengan darah daging *katanya.
  6. Rokok import pula dikatakan mendatangkan pendapatan cukai tertinggi kepada kerajaan, jadi kalau boikot jadi satu tindakan yang mendatangkan kerugian besar kepada ekonomi negara.
  7. Kempen boikot di Malaysia walaupun telah bertahun dilancarkan, tak mencapai kesan seperti yang diharapkan sebab mentaliti-mentaliti macam ni la.
  8. Kerana inilah Islam di Malaysia lemah. Kerana inilah juga saudara Islam kita terus dianaiya.
  9. Kempen boikot ni memerlukan pelaksanaan peribadi dahulu. Aku masih cuba memboikot barangan yang mempunyai kaitan dengan jenama yang membiayai Zionis Israel.
  10. Orang lain seluruh dunia serius boikot untuk memberi tekanan supaya hasrat mereka tercapai, kita di Malaysia ni? Lemah. banyak makan mekdi.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Gratisfaction is gratitude+satisfaction.
And I am now feeling of writing some maybe normal things around me in life, that really makes me full of gratitude and feel somewhat blessed. This writing will mark my appreciation to all these things, and serve as a reminder for me not to take them for granted..This is going to be one personal honest and true account of how I sees the things around me.

  1. Neighborhood
I have reiterate my adoration to my neighborhood  through some facebook statuses before. I currently live in the neighborhood of Jenderam, which strategically located to within stone's throw to Sepang, Cyberjaya, Putrajaya, Nilai & Bangi. But what makes me feel very blessed is the environment or where I live- a simple spacious house that costs just RM300 rent per month, and I never have to pay for water & electricity since my housemate & I keep the usage & home appliances minimal - we are two busy guys who rarely be at home for long.

Found this pic on google image search. this one's reeeeeaally close to my place

But the most special thing is the big picture of the community here. The Jenderam generally is a peaceful place, far from hustle and bustle of busy roads and speedy vehicles. Everything's like moving casually here, but the amenities are aplenty. My place is very near with a grocery shop, a mosque, kindergarden and school. All these makes Jenderam in my opinion, a really good place to raise a family. Just saying. The mosque is very active with religious programmes that brings the jemaah close together. Moreover, also not far there is Yayasan Al-Jenderami, a well known ASWJ madrasah and knowledge centre, which is very organized and active. May Allah bless Jenderam neighborhood :)

Just 5 minutes drive from home

Another best thing about the neighborhood I stayed in is, everyone is very friendly! Well most of neighbors are Malays of Minang roots, as well as Indonesians that have migrated here long time ago. And everyone's here seems to be related! And when we move in, we are treated like we are part of the big family. My landowner's house is actually right next to the house I stayed, and his sisters houses are right behind and just across the road. It is a very close-knit community with conserved neighborhood values like we hope to have. Helpful, Caring, and Generous. During the weekends, one house would host a breakfast session and invite all of the neighbors to join in. And just last night when I was just returning home from work around 10pm, one of my neighbor (an Indonesian family) was having their daughter's 10th birthday party. All the people around, and noticably many Indonesian friends came (because when they speak Java or Minang among themselves I don't understand a word). But although I'm late they saved for me some cakes and of course-Bakso which they made themselves for the guests. Malam2 buta makan bakso panas. Layan oh~~ And the cuddling warmth is not just from the hot soup, If you know what I mean :)

The neighborhood of Jenderam is also blessed with some good food! There's a fusion of tastes from a lot of different cultures here. And being a food lover, I really appreciate the choices that I have here. Everything is just like nicely placed, and on my way to work every morning, its always a tastebud adventure. Oh did I mention the road is never busy, there's hardly high traffic here let alone being congested. And along the road there's some very good eateries with cheap prices. It's a village area afterall :9
My current favourite is the Lontong from a local eateries in front of Lembaga Perlesenan Tenaga Atom building complex.

2. Worklife

Okay enough about the neighborhood. My job now is in parallel with my Master's Degree studies programme. I am a graduate research assistant (that's what they call it) and a student. And it is not a dayjob that's requires doing something's routine everyday. I am doing research and I think  I found happiness in it. Everyday is fun with great lab members and research environment, a very inspiring and cool supervisor and a very interesting project. I really love the challenge that my job offers me. Apart from the proven fact that it reduces the risk of me developing Alzheimer due to constant strenuous brain usage, I like my job even more because it (actually its my SV) gives me the sense of freedom in pursuing the knowledge and trying my chance in expanding the frontiers of science. Sometimes I fee like a detective, like Sherlock, trying to figure out something new :P

That's my DAYjob. When the sun sets and darkness falls (ewah!), I switched into my second character as a tutor in a tuition centre.

I've been teaching tuition classes since my sophomore year during my Degree study, and god willing the tuition centre keeps renewing my service contract for another year (yeah this tuition centre kinda organized, they have contracts). In the tuition centre I taught secondary school's Science and Biology and I have students from Form 1 all the way to Form 5. In 2014, the number of classes for those two subjects increased from the previous years, and currently I am only free on Tuesday night for the weekdays. Any other night? occupied with the kids.

Science and Biology is my passion, so everything is just like syncing together and I don't really feel that it's even a job!  I have fun teaching the students, they reminded me of myself during school days, and I learn a lot about the behavior of newer generations from time spent with them. They call me 'teacher' and stuffs, but I didn't told them to. I regard myself to be more of a facilitator for Science & Biology, sharing knowledge MY WAY. That's the fun part. I did consult my teacher peers for some teaching tips since I am not a trained teacher, but for most part I articulate all the infos from the syllibus and deliver it back to them in a different style like what they've experienced in class . I am an avid follower of TED Talks, and I really strive to present science & biology in a interesting, engaging way.

And I test them from time to time, I think they got it!

And that's how I earned money.

3. Other life

When I am not in the lab or in Jenderam, most often I am at an equally good place- the place where I am in some jungle or running some road. I like to run, be it in a competitive race or just the daily training. I have some good places to run around me, where the landscape is nice and offers quite a complete challenge to me, and at the same time being safe. Before I started contracting this runner's bug, I am an avid hiker. I put quite a lot of resources to my hiking activities, and the experience is very humbling. Everytime I was huffing and puffing due to short of breath when trekking  a steep incline with a trusty Osprey Kestrel-68 backpack loaded to the brim, I have a lot of thoughts playing in my mind like " When will this damn hill ends?" and "I want to rest here stop now stop now STAHP!" - which I usually don't gave in and with a blank stare and empty brain, just continue hiking all the way up and enjoy the screaming thigh and quads muscle. Oh the sweet self-torture :). Ah too much to tell but I love every moments in the jungle and mountains.

When work requirements does not permits me to have many free time anymore to completely detach from the civilization and go into the woods, I pick up running. The feel is somewhat converges. U sweat buckets, U feel tired but U have to push on, and in the end you feel very very satisfied. Running has now be a part of my daily activity, but I am looking forward for any opportunity to hike mountains again.

How I miss moments like this.
Picture: starting point of trail to Mt.Kerinci, West Sumatera 2012

I seldom went to the movies or spend time in the shopping malls. I regard my life is just simply revolves around those three aspect that I've shared some account as above...Sometimes when time permits I will go travel to somewhere foreign, just to see the place and culture and befriends with some strangers and make far relatives.

Eventough sometimes we might feel that  we do not have enough, get a grip of ourselves and reflect back on all the things we have around us. Realize the blessings bestowed upon us and be contented with what we currently being granted and strive for the betterment. I am happy with my life. Maybe I am lacking in some personal possessions and material aspects, but my appreciation towards them and how I value things is what that makes the difference.

And as usual, a theme song that come to my mind when writing this up.

Thanks for stopping by! You're alright.

wata filtaa

I read in a local newspaper recently that the Ministry of Health (MOH) will soon table a bill in Parliament to better safeguard the rights of consumers and protect them from potential health hazard.
I am not sure if this covers the various companies that sell water treatment systems and purifiers but I truly hope that it does.

Some time ago,a friend bought a salesperson from a multilevel marketing company to demonstrate the quality of my drinking water to me. The company sells water purifier that produces RO (reverse osmosis) water. While I kinda felt cheated in the beginning when what that should've been an old friends gathering turned out the be just MLM friends trying to put me into 'closing', I just lend my ears and see what it is all about. I really don't understand why the cannot just be through to me with their intention. However this is my experience about that demonstration.
ada macam2 pesen water filter ni

The salesperson measured the TDS (total dissolved solids) in my filtered water (from my water purifier), tap water and the RO water he brought. Obviously the reading for the RO was zero as RO methods removes all minerals and solids. ( But I kept the thought in my head, as he overzealously explained the opposite)

The reading for my filtered water was 7500 ( I think in microgram/litre) as he kept using the word micron. When I asked him to explain what the reading meant, he could not give a proper answer  but kept saying it meant my filtered water contains alot of hazardous materials contaminant and  microorganisms. (seriouslyy??)

Then he proceeded to the second test which was completely misinterpreted. He used a water precipitor that is meant to test water hardness to show that my water contains a lot of metals, or rust. The device is made of copper and aluminium rods. ( It's basic science, this was the fun part I just waited to hear what he have to say)

As RO water does not contain any salt (minerals) and cannot conduct electricity, the water remains to be the same. But for the filtered water, there is ion exchange between the two rods and precipitation take place where a sludge-like sediment is produced. While this sludge is actually comes from the rod, consumers are told their water is heavily contaminated. "Air kamu ni berkarat, tengok ni nampak tak?" katanya lagi. ( Oh dear, who are you trying to kid with -_-)

Of course in the end of the session, I didn't buy anything that he said, let alone the said 'miracle' water filter that produces RO water ffs. I did try to explain my scientific explanations, but they were like overwhelmed with the truth and left at the slightest hint of me knowing what really happened.

I urge MOH to have guidlines on water purifiers that are sold in the market, There are also companies that sell purifiers that produces distilled water.

While there are so many scientific literature  stating RO and distilled water is not safe to he used as drinking water as it is devoid of all minerals and can be very aggresive as it leeches out minerals from our body and also from the food that we eat, it is still made available in bottles and such purifiers are available in the market like it was alright and fine. All of these water sold in distinguishable labellings.

Mineral Water-> Water from natural fountain or springs. Usually not filtered. Have high dissolved minerals.Good.
Drinking Water-> Water from the tap just like what you have in your kitchen.  Have some amount of dissolved minerals. Most likely filtered prior to bottling. Okay.
RO Water-> The water losses all of its mineral contents. Not good.

Moreover distilled water can become acidic when it comes into contact with carbon dioxide in the air. An acidic water is certainly not good fpr the body.

Opting filtered water for drinking is a common practice since it is free from general pollutants which can be harmful for health. But the filtered water still have the valuable mineral contents that our body needs. For further safety we boil the water to eliminate all the microorganisms.

However reverse osmosis and distilled water does not give any net benefit to the body. Because as they hydrate, the take away minerals out of our body.

Hydrate well.



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