Friday, July 1, 2011

colourful thoughts|idea warna warni

i still clearly remember one of my visual art classes when i was in Form 2. the memory of the lesson is vivid. but sadly..yg lupanya pulak adelah nama cikgu yang mengajar tu..alahai lokman! huhu (muka dia ingat..tapi nama lupa2)
hmm..that's because she only had a short stint teaching us before she was transferred elsewhere..tapi a student ought to appreciate this! ok will get to these later.

Masa kelas seni ni belajar topik roda warna. dia ajar macam mana warna-warna ni ada yang kategori asas dan bila dicampur menghasilkan warna yang lebih pelbagai. you mix colours in different proportions and it'll give you a whole different colour sprectrum. derivatives.

this is the colour wheel.roda warna..notice that the three most basic colours is RED YELLOW BLUE.

With three colours and a creative sense of mixing , you can generate a whole spectrum of other colours!
ok tu yang apa yg dah termaktub dlm seni.
now the idea part.

i had a struck of thought
that learning these things can also/might be done in another creative impactful way.
cara yang kreatif dan lebih meninggalkan impak.LOL.

sekarang ni sabun2 liquid disinfectant ada banyak warna kan? pernah jumpa tak? aku bila kerja part time kat fast food chain ni perasan disinfectant2 ni.
ada yang warna dia biru.bila campur dengan air jadi warna biru.
ada yang warna merah campur air jadi air warna merah2.
solution ni buat synthesizer sanitizer untuk disinfect barang2 semua supaya bebas kuman & bau nice.

jadi...the thought is,

dekat toilet tempat aku kerja dia punya air dalam toilet bowl , warna biru.
flush2 keluar la warna biru air dia. sebab dia letak bulb sanitizer biru dalam tangki simbah (flush tank) tu.bau nice & bebas kuman la.

jadi macam ni warna dia.bila air tu tenang je tengah x flush warna dia biru gelap sikit.

jadi kan..kencing warna kuning kan.
bila kencing boleh tengok warna air dalam toilet bowl bertukar slow2..dari biru jadi..jeng2..hijau! wau interesting gile kan?

ade makanan yang natural colouring dia kuat. macam kacang bit. makan dalam sepinggan sorang2, lepas tu kencing kita jadi warna merah sebab colouring dia ditapis oleh kidney so urine kita jadi merah. normal je ni, org yg xtau mesti dia cuak gile ingat kencing berdarah.

so kan..nila kencing lepas makan kacang bit ni..boleh tgk warna air toilet bowl berubah dari biru jadi......purple! perghh!!

kalau makan dragonfruit yang warna purple pun bole kencing jadi warna purple..the boleh tgk masa kencing warna air guess pulak..

perubahan warna dalam air toilet bowl ni berubah mengikut intensity urine kita la.kalau banyak makan & kidney kerja lebih, jadi urine warna kuning lebih la..kalau time2 puasa,urine jernih2 je la gitew.colour lite2.

hehe.i know some of you might find this idea gross,and crazy too.
for me its not. an idea n thought are never considered crazy,muahaha.XD
it's an idea afterall.

i'll write more thoughts when i have time.

selamat mencoba!

p/s: budak2 bole belajar cara ni. boleh bayang tak excitednya budak bila tengok warna berubah? boleh dengar sorak2 & tepuk2 happy dalam toilet nanti.

thanks for stopping by! you're alright.


Rawlins GLAM said...

so...kaedahnya..pas makan kacang ke dragonfruit ke kena pegi toilet uals la kan..kalau nak tgk perubahan warna? satu kije le uals...hahahah
nice thoughts tho'

mizzbutterfly said...

hahhahaha ohhhseeemmmm tak pernah terpikir dek akal aku...hahahah

Lucy S. said...



we can even see rainbows in our toilet bowls.

tak payah susah2 tggu hujan.


keme said...

kanak2 mungkin bole appreciate benda ni sebagai 'fun' way to learn & kaji roda warna XD.

Abe Goreng said...

man tlg kaji cmne nak bagi tahik warne biru ke hijau ke, asyik warne coklat gelap je. Bosan dh.HAHAHA.

keme said...

yon senang je doh..ko minum watercolour sikit..hahah

aiman said...

hehe.. nice la lokman keme

lynnlola said...

ohsem woooo jadi kale ijaw... haha


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