Tuesday, April 26, 2011


tak nak tulis banyak harini. so the vid will do the thought sharing.

This is Cromartie High School anime series.
I'm not a fan,let alone a dedicated follower of any japanese animes.
but this is one of a kind.
The series are exceptional.funny, and have some weight too.
Kelakar gila kot XD

It's a good series if you can get good points out of it.

Thanks for stopping by! you're alright.


that Nicholas 'lord-of-the-war' Cage movie (it's about arms-trade.i dont remember the title) that i've watched few days ago.
and the movie 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' that i watched a day after that..

both sent a thought..
It's deep. hard..

'blind,self-taught-self advocacy'

go figure, lokman.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Less of the World

the strokes has this one eargasmic track entitled 'Ize of the world'. awesome song.
This has nothing to do with this entry by the way..saje nak mention XD

by the way, this is the '-Less of the world' . That's the way i want to call it.
21st Century FACTS
1)Our communication - Wireless
2)Our phones - Cordless
3)Our cooking - Fireless
4)Our food - Fatless
5)Our Sweets - Sugarless
6)Our labor - Effortless
7)Our relations - Fruitless
8)Our attitude - Careless
9)Our feelings - Heartless
10)Our politics - Shameless
11)Our education - Worthless
12)Our Mistakes - Countless
13)Our arguments - Baseless
14)Our youth - Jobless
15)Our Ladies - Topless
16)Our Boss - Brainless
17)Our Jobs - Thankless
18)Our Needs - Endless
19)Our situation - Hopeless
20)Our Salaries - Less and less


Bile makan sorang2, membace suratkhabar yang guna buat bungkus makanan/buat lapik tempat makanan adelah satu habit yang sangat motip..kalau tak ade benda2 ringan yang boleh dibace sambil2 makan, akan cari jugak, sampai jumpa.

semalam makan malam dekat bilik, dan terperasan sesuatu masa tengah baca2 tu (ko ni makan ke bace?!)..well, multitasking~*nadagaya matlutphi*
Yang jadi bahan bacaan masa tengah makan tu adelah suratkhabar part sukan. tu yang dapat capai.cerita dia macam2 pasal bolasepak..

terperasan dalam semua cerita & artikel tu, bila cerita pasal pemain simpanan maka ayat2 dia adelah macam ni:
" ..berada di bangku simpanan"
"..telah memanaskan bangku simpanan"
lain2 pun macam sama jugak.

ni adelah rupe bangku simpanan tu.(sumber Google Image)

so ape yang nak cerita kat sini adalah,
bangku simpanan tu adalah tempat untuk player2 yang jadi standby in case ada ape2 injuries kat player utama dia akan ganti,
dia duduk situ sebab dia underperform so dia bukan pilihan favourite untuk masuk team utama,ada lagi yang baik daripade dia untuk position tu.
tapi ni x bermakna dia main macam tak reti main..dia ada kat situ jadi player dah tu kot! kalau x pandai main dia xdapat masuk la sukan bolasepak ni..kann?

Dear Readers,
Tak pandai main bola ade digambarkan dalam Bahasa Melayu dalam satu peribahasa,
pernah dengar?sape tau angkat kaki tangannnn~
YES betul. kaki bangku..ok dah boleh turun tangan.
kaki bangku ni orang yang tak pandai main bola.

kenapa kaki bangku ni bawak maksud tak pandai main bola? ape kena mengena dengan bola? sape tau??heh2..

disini aku ada satu pendapat & pandangan lah.
Mungkin masyarakat kita ni, ada la somewhere along the way sepanjang peribahasa ni dicipta, dah timbul & terbawa pemahaman yang salah terhadap peribahasa ni. kalau kita zoom out kejap tengok the bigger picture..kaki bangku ni memang kita boleh faham kenapa laras bahasa dia macam ni.
i mean; guna perkataan "kaki" sebab biasalah dalam masyarakat penggunaan perkataan 'kaki' tu menggambarkan yang dia memang sinonim & lekat dengan perbuatan tu..macam yang kita boleh dengar kalau dia minat pergi gym, orang panggil dia 'kaki gym'.
dia minat tengok wayang, orang label dia 'kaki wayang'
tengok DVD --> kaki DVD.
suka shopping --> kaki shopping.
and the list goes on and on.

jadi bila kaki bangku? ---> selalu duduk di bangku lah! jangan ingat kaki dia bangku pulak ye.
so agak2 korang la kan, ape kaitan bangku dengan bola?

YES! dalam sukan bolasepak, bangku yang ada..ultimately associated dengan bolasepak adelah bangku simpanan. dalam bahasa inggeris memang dia punya term adelah 'substitution bench'..bench ni adelah bangku ye, bukan kerusi, meja,katil ataupun perabot2 lain.boleh check dictionary.
dalam akhbar Malaysia ada kadang2 ada dia tulis 'kerusi simpanan' ni kira variasi la, tapi sebetulnya adalah 'bangku simpanan' bersempena istilah universal 'substitution bench' ni.

SO the point is,
kaki bangku SEPATUTNYA berdasarkan logik akal aku adalah:
pemain yang main bolasepak tapi dia selalu jadi simpanan,duduk kat bangku simpanan & bukan jadi 1st choice untuk team utama. Sebab2 player boleh jadi simpanan dah aku sebut dekat atas tadi. sebab standy gantian in case ade injuries OR underperforming so bukan prioriti tp still standby.

the fact that
he's on the bench doesnt make him a 'kaki bangku' yang kita semua duk faham ni- yakni orang main bola tapi xpandai main kaw2 punya..yang sepak x kena & lain2 yang menunjukkan ke'noob'an main bola..
Kaki bangku (simpanan) ni pandai la~!
kaki bangku ni, sebab mungkin dia selalu start the game dengan jadi simpanan dulu (duduk kat bangku simpanan- so dipanggil kaki bangku). Even so,the fact that he's listed as the substitutes for the game ruled out any doubt for noobness la kan..kalau dia tak pandai main, dia tak masuk list pon sepatutnya~!buat bazir karan la kan. subs pon power & boleh turn the game around kot~

[ Up to this point, still,this entry is a hypothetical one.hipotesis aku je.so read & assess ]
I think it make sense, isn't it?

okay so thats the thought that i got when i was having my dinner yesterday while reading a newspaper.thanks for stopping by!

saya rasa ini kes serupa macam peribahasa 'bagai melepaskan batuk ditangga'
cuba fikirkan..bila difikirkan balik, melepaskan 'batuk' ditangga? batuk2? cough2? dekat tangga??? ape kaitan dengan maksud yang dibawak tu?? iaitu "buat sesuatu dgn x sempurna & cincai2"
Sebenarnya semua..yang betul adelah "Bagai melepaskan BATOK di tangga"..Batok yang betul,bukan batuk2 yang jadi bila sakit tekak tu.

gambar ni adelah batok (sumber Google Image). sekarang kalau korang untung dapat la tengok kat kampung2..kalau ade lagi la orang buat.

BATOK ni alat cedok yang orang2 melayu guna untuk basuh kaki sebelum naik ke rumah. dia ni satu set dengan tempayan air yang ade kat setiap tangga rumah2 orang dulu2.
So maksudnya bagai melepaskan batok ditangga ni, macam cedok air basuh kaki tapi lepas tu x simpan balik-tinggal dekat atas tangga je, buat sambil lewa je terus naik rumah.
Macam ape yang nak disampaikan dalam kes 'kaki bangku' tadi,
somewhere along the way dalam peredaran masa, pemahaman yang salah dah timbul & terus macam tu je...batok, jadi batuk..


saya akui karya ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan ringkasan yang tiap-tiap satunya telah saya jelaskan sumbernya

[tesis punya ayat. gambar tesis akan menyusul kemudian disini :D ]

tapi ayat ni pun applicable dalam blog jugak kan? respect in writing.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

what the F....b

"Make Malaysia the FB Capital of the World!

We, orang Malaysia, have THE MOST FACEBOOK FRIENDS on average. We, as a nation, spend THE MOST TIME on Facebook.

Wouldn't it be great if all of us come together as one and do a super duper huge petition to get Facebook to acknowledge Malaysia the Facebook capital of the world?

-DIGI advertorial-

this is some of the wordings about the so called 'DIGI fb-nation petition'. or something like that.correct me if i name it wrong, i believe we all knew about this already..it's (the campaign) contagiously widespread (well,things like this are ALWAYS dear to Malaysian youths)
amidst all of those more important pressing issues, these kind of things always win their hearts ~.~

first of all...(deep breath-contemplating myself..)

is it only me or does everyone also think this whole FB-nation thing is plain crap!? (-.-'')
i didn't mean to be emotional..but 'crap' is definitely the right word.

emphasize on this:
"..have THE MOST FACEBOOK FRIENDS on average. We, as a nation, spend THE MOST TIME on Facebook.."

will elaborate later..

MALAYSIA BOLEH??? kah3..oh Malaysiaku~

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

every blue cloud has a silver lining for sure

Yesterday's recap:

out of the bluest blue,
the unimaginable happened.
i did thought about worst case scenario..
and i prepared.
but not that,anything but that.
and those slides,they slid,
and before those slides, I slipped.
that was total set off,
and the rest of it, i didn't remember much.


out of the bluest of the bluest blue,
the unimaginable happens-again,
i try to confront yesterday,
and then it happens.
the personal conversation was the longest we have so far as i remember,
the atmosphere was totally lifting.we talked about the next coming thing.
about my decision, ambitions, and the real situation.
the remarks that Dr made..
switches on all alarms inside.pumping new aspirations
with ambitiousness gushing in my veins.

"what's done is done. You just need to go with it. What happened? i mean i've had interactions with you,and i see you as a quite brilliant student"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

salam dan selamat sejahtera semua~

just a short one.
tadi pegi klia, hantar adik ke-3.
amri (akhirnya) dah selamat ke Nippon utk pursue cita2 dia. study kat sana.
lame gak kot delay.JPA hold sebab tsunami n radiasi sume tu.
tapi insyaAllah selamat la..
harap selamat semuanya.

the farewell was in a quite controlled condition. the emotions weren't so heavy.
aku expect ade nangis2 syahdu ke ape ke..macam aku tengok kawan2 aku mase hantar diorang,
tapi semalam sume merah2 hidung gitu je la..

duduk kat klia tu teringat pulak pasal pengalaman2 mmm (3m)
minggu mesra mahasiswa..kemasukan baru dak2 ukm.orientasi.
kisah PC pusat bahagian pegangkutan,
masa aku 1st year abg Q ketua. aku, topex ,maya, kak uya,kak mczie.
lepas tu naik 2nd year aku pulak lead..dengan joe,munsab,intan,shila,aida,azie.
3rd year pulak ni..akan datang bulan 9 nanti..
dah dengar2 dah panggilan dari JPPel..kita tengok la sape lak team yang baru..

"kisah serupa cuma watak berbeza" -Altimet

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

of public figure, and go figure!

public figure:

i dont know whether people realize it the same way as i do.or not.
but i'm am disturbed by how the way 'public figures' present themselves nowadays.
i'm not talking about all those spoilt politicians, or celebrities, or other personas (that somehow regarded as a public figure, deserving or not).

i want to talk about closer subjects.these people that holds the status as 'public figure' close to us.--------- the student reps. the student leaders. seniors of a hierarchial-oriented system.anything that makes a persona being looked up upon.

when we are in a position as a leader, as an example to others, as a public figure. Shouldnt we confine our weaknesses, wild emotions? and show our strong points and composure..all these things are (vividly) reflected in all of our doings and routines. how we write..the FB stats..tweets..and all sort of that.

it is quite irritating and mind-bugging for me to see my peers that has become public figures around me, become so indifferent about all these key things. When they're fighting for the position, they said so much..promises,in style and charisma. and when they're in charge, the still become the 'typical generation-Y' as usual..as always.I guess a leopard can't change his/her spots..BUT THESE PEOPLE ARENT ANY DAMN LEOPARDS =.= (bukan emo saje emphasize)

as a public figure that have been entrusted with big responsibilities and portfolios, you must know, that you ought to keep yourself close with the character. dont habitually poke fun at almost everything you talk as usual..you shouldnt show you personal emotions (read: luahan emosi remaja) so badly (and ridiculously often). think more..show some wisdom,and act with one..
ini tidak...
yang jiwang tetap menebarkan kejiwangan kepada yg anonymous.
yang senyap, senyaapppp je jugak..
yang minat movie ke wayang ke..tetappp jugak update pasal citer2 baru saje..
yang suka main game...tetappp jugak naik2 request farmville la ape la..penoh dengan tu saje.

pernah tgk spiderman x?
" With Great Power comes Big Responsibility) bak kata Uncle Sam.
because of ur position as public figure, ur up high there,everybody sees you.
u r the centre of the attention.
there's a lot of high hopes from down below.you want this job didn't you? well you couldnt answer 'No'..it's kinda non-reversible.you must do it til the end anyhow..

alter-reply: "tapi hipokrit la macam tu.berpura2 bukan diri sendiri. bagi i we should be our true self, jangan bermuka2.."

my reply: "WAK LUUUuuuuuuuu~~~~~~"
abes tu ang nak jadi mcamana? ang kena sedaq, yang ang tu dah jadi ikon..amanah ang dah terima oi..so kena la bawak elok2..
kena jaga perilaku sebab ang kena bagi contoh yang baik.jangan la cakap hipokrit plak nanti..adoi la..ang kena berubah jadi baik sebab ang nak lead.kena earn respect sume civilians (pergh civilian!) ni...

this is the price that u pay.

(this is not a back seat criticism..thanks for stopping by! :)

i have a blog.saya ada blog.saya jugak ada writer's block.

sebab sekarang ni mcm selective & banyak songeh dalam nak wat entry.
cuba taknak picisan2 & weightless.
ade banyak nak cite sbnanye..
pasal burung kookabura..
sex tapes (jeng3)..
traffic light..
well,things that have some weight.

hmm..taking a glimpse back into the past..
it's amazing how fast we can contradict ourselves.

entry dulu2 macam mane..lepas tu macamane..sekarang macamane.
ohhh ade 'feel'..nostalgic..
i dont know why i am so easy to feel toward something.
even the gerai pagi tepi kat tepi jalan (yg bagi rase feeling2 mcm childhood sarapan bekal nasik lemak macam tu) & reunion dengan kopi premix kapal api setelah brape tahun x jumpe (terkenang zaman2 kt mrsm sbb ni fevret)
pon boleh buat rase something..soft spot on these thing (erk..penggunaan soft spot mcm fetish pulak!) tp maksudnya ade feel la..even at the simplest of thing.

oh and i adore maria elena *tibajah.
orait that's all.writer's block pon menulis jugak secoet..haizzzzz


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Thanks for stopping by! you are alright.