OHhh its such a rare occasion bile aku di tag dan aku buat.sorry peeps tp aku mmg pemalas nak buat tag2.bagi2 le tag yg senang2 sbb aku x pandai yg payah2 nih.heh3
oh ni si cute munim tag aku.
Instructions: Reveal 40 non-secrets about yourself. Be as vague as possible.
1) Have you ever been asked out?
- yes i have
2) Where was your default picture taken?
- google heh3
3) What's your middle name?
- lokman
4) Your current relationship status?
- comfortable :D
5) What is your current mood?
- penat
6) What color shirt are you wearing?
- biru
7) Missing something?
- my family..mak ayah kakak dik yie n adik..oh
8) If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
-buat something mende2 yg x kasi can yahudi membiak2 *grrr*
9) If you must be an animal for one day, what?
- fox..nine-tailed fox yg power ke.lps tu jd pet megan fox
10) Ever had a near death experience?
- yes..lemas pon ada..eksiden dramatik pon ada
11) Something you do a lot?
- breathing.....huffpuff
12) The song stuck in your head?
- milk in a bottle by meet uncle hussain
13) Who did you copy and paste this from?
- munim yg dgn cute tag aku
14) Name someone with the same birthday as you?
- nadiah zakaria
15) When was the last time you cried?
- aritu bile makan kat ktho pastu tnmpak pakcik buta sorg2 makan...*lg klakar dr munim syialll*
16) Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
- yes i have
17) If you could have one super power what would it be?
- pape yg aku baling atau sepak aku leh target sharp pinpoint precision dengan sukahati aku perghhh..
18) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? -regardless all the things in my mind..they indeed complete us,men.girls r nice:)
21) What do you usually order from Starbucks?
- xpernah pegi .tp i'll order topup rm10.hahaha..
22) What's your biggest secret?
- aku sebenarnya mantan power rangers
23) Favorite color?
- merah
24) Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?
- yeah lagi2 yg nicklodeon.klakar woh
25) What's on your walls?
- kalo kat dinding bilik ade cicak nih..eh dah lari pulak.
26) What are you?
- human being la
27) Do you speak any other language?
- English..
28) What's your favorite smell?
- bau best2
29) Describe your life in one word.
- improvise
30) Have you ever kissed in the rain?
- belum pernah
31) What are you thinking about right now?
- semut2 kat laptop ni datang dari mane wehh??
33) What should you be doing?
34) Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
- kawan2 yg tak agak2 bile gurau.
35) How often do u talk to God?
- 5 times a day but i think i'm still not true to myself..
36) Do you like working in the yard?
- pon boleyy
37) If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
- darius
38) Do you act differently around the person you like?
- oh itu memang la.heh..
39) What is your natural hair color?
- black..
40) Who was the last person to make you cry?
- no one make me cry out of my will
- kalo kat dinding bilik ade cicak nih..eh dah lari pulak.
kau cakap pasal besta ke??
hei perlu ke gtau yg atas tu??
cute ke munim?
ntahnye kak spek oi.suke suku suki suko die jer~
22) What's your biggest secret?
- aku sebenarnya mantan power rangers
p/s: aku rasa power rengers yg berdedikasi takkan dedahkan rahasia dia walaupun sudah jd mantan.
tidak ku sangka ko pun mengalami masalah semut2 yg muncul dkt laptop tnp diketahui dr mane dtgnye...
manis sgt ke laptop ko n aku ni????????
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