b to the u to the s to the y. busy!
ba wau sin ya.busi
ye2.saya nak cakap ni.saya bz.
benda yang orang duk cakap bz tu, ha yang ckp student life bz tu, so-called la.
this is the real deal kot. bile dah season finale ni akan teramatla bz.
dan lain2 hal yg aku xkan dismiss senang2 sebab tu la yg bg balance dekat aku.
semoge semua berjalan lancar. amin
best nye kalo boleh share music progression yg driving back n forth dlm fikiran kn?
bile share benda ni rasenye lagi la ekspresif. die bole tau suasana dari bunyi2 tu.
so we dont have to sing songs and tell exaggerated stories about the way we feel today, in the night n in the morning.
sambung keje2