Thursday, January 28, 2010

incredible thoughts :)

Incredible Hulk..again.

and fyi i've tried the official game version back then..the new (not so new but newest laa) one released together with the Hulk sequel.
it's amazing how anger and rage could turn into actions.
yes i know that the movie was a total sci-fi surreal, mountains were made from molehills most of the time.
but there's a catch,like always
memang menakjubkan macamane kemarahan dan rage (berontak?) bole mengubah tindakan manusia ni..

brader hijau kite tuh bile marah, mule la badan jadi giant yg muscular kaler hijau..dan sebab baju die sumenye slim fit kot..xleh nak watpe la mmg koyak la tetiap kali transform.

bile dah jadi hijau, power pon mencanak2 up skali same up ngan badan yg sihat dan kuat tu. then die boleh buat macam2 yg biasenye tak boleh buat, sebab kemarahan dan rasa berontak die tu buat die jadi incredible..biase2 x incredible macam tu skali la.

well,perlu diingat bahawa
bukan la kemarahan dan rasa nak berontak semata-mata yang perlu dihighlight ntok kickstart transform brader prof n kepade brader hulk, it's not sheer rage,rebel and anger.u should be able to see the message..

it's something more to an overwhelming desire to act. an urgency, a strong need.
satu keinginan nak buat sesuatu, semangat meluap-meluap nak bertindak.
dalam movie tu 'semangat state' ni di addressed sebagai kemarahan etc etc, tapi sume tu tak penting..sebab sumenye tu (semangat, kemarahan, rasa nak gegas buat sesuatu) sume tu sama-sama merupakan condition mindset.

point nye adelah,
bile mindset dah jadi mcm tu,body bg response la untuk membolehkan tindakan tu dilakukan. bile marah n cemas, otak detect the urgency , dan bg feedback direct kpd glands2 dan sistem badan yg berkenaan untuk metabolise faster untuk bg lebih instant tenaga, adrenalin peaks dan lain2 sume respon badan. sume ni supaye kite boleh lakukan ape yg nak buat sangaatttt tu!

mcm brader hijau jugak yg body die jadi mcm tu tu pasal ni la.dalam otak die tu dah meluap-luap 'rasa ingin bertindak!' pastu xleh tahann pastu body responla (lebih2 la effect tapi..)

masalah pon boleh nampak jugak, bile takbleh control.memule brader hijau tu pon memang banyak buat problem laa...dinding pecah tu 1 hobi...vandalisme dan kemusnahan harta-harta kerajaan pon jadi tabiat buruk je mcm slalu makan x bace doa.mcm keluar bilik x tutup lampu kipas. tapi hulk version the damage is way BIGGER pecah2 jahanam tu biase.

tapi brader hijau kite ni cuba sungguh-sungguh nak kontrol kan, nak kontroll perasaan 'over-semangat state' yg bagi power yang best, tapi jadi xbest bile xbleh kontrol. struggle tu nak regain control over his own strength. DENGAN APE DIE TRY CONTROL KEKUATAN YG LUARBIASE TU? YES DENGAN KEAZAMAN MINDA YG SUNGGUH2..minda jugak..

tengok sungguh2 punye try taknak jadi hijau out of control nnt xsedar..kluar abes urat.

same la jugak mcm kite manusia ni.
full control ke atas 'emotional state' kite sendiri akan buat kite sangaaat la ade advantage.
bile jd macam ni, kite bleh semangatkan diri kite dari 'dalam' terus ke otak.
fully motivated..xperlu nak marah2 emo baru nak terbakar.
ni terbakar secare positif..xde pape masalah.
bile kite perlukan tindakan yg luarbiase, kite bleh arahkan badan kite TRANSFORM dengan minda yg full semangat ...then buat.

bile dah capai keadaan mcmni..mcm hulk la kite.
bleh kontrol suke hati nak hijau ke nak kaler ape..bile keadaan memerlukan, TRANSFORM!
xde wat useless and hasty damage yang takde point pon.
kite pon macam tu.
tolak kite tak hijau...n kite x hulk..hukhuk

enough said here.i think i have made my point here. ye dak?

bile dah leh kontrol, leh guna strength yg kita acquire tu untuk BERTINDAK dan CAPAI MATLAMAT!

brader tennis ni dah bleh kontrol 'over-semangat die..x payah nak tunggu kalah dulu baru nak sungguh2 balas dendam(menang!)

the thought just came..just as random as its counterparts that are still in unpublished drafts hhaha
watching movies,and thought gushes.

'thought too much + why so serious?'
but i take this as 'seeing things more than it meets the eye'..
tq up :)

incredible hulk

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

urusan seri paduka baginda

semalam, ade hal
kemarin pon ade something
kemarin dulu nye pun, ade hal jugak.
dan sebelum2 ni pun ade urusan yg dah disetelkan sblom yg lain menyusul.
padehal lepas baru je setelkan hal-hal miggu sebelumnye.

hari ni ade hal
esok pon dah tau ade something nak usahakan
hal lusa pun dah tau
tulat pon ade urusan yang dah maklum untuk tunggu disetelkan
tuling same jugak dengan hal-hal nye
sehingga 1 date yg dh kite maklum tu, smpai tu la ade hal yg dh diketahui.

xtermasuk hal-hal lain lg.personal+akademik+matlamat sndiri etc etc

sentiasa ade hal dan 'something' tu.

maka semua tu kena urus dengan bebaik.
kena urus dengan bijaksana dan tak mengabaikan sume tu.
urus jgn x urus.

bukan hanye bile jadi urusetia baru dpt banyak urusan.
bukan hanye urusetia kena pandai urus2 ni.
bukan hanye org yg amek couse pengurusan (management cm biotek pgurusan) je jugak
tapi sume xleh escape, dari menjadi seorang pengurus.
uruskan hal2 dan something2 ni.

silap gaye dalam mengurus, boleh jadi kurus.
kene pandai main jurus dan cara urus setiap something tu,
biar perform la.
sebab bile banyak hal n something, dan tak urus dengan baik,
akan ade la urusan2 yang lost from possession.terlepas dari tangan kite.
nanti solat tertinggal2, stadi x sempat catchup, tak sempat dptkan mase kualiti untuk diri, tk sempat nk hidup dalam komuniti, dan jadi jauh dlm mende2 yg terlepas dari tangan nak urus.

pulangannye bile pandai urus2 ni adelah,
kite akan jd seorang yg bleh laksanakan sume tanggungjawab tnpe 'lost' diri & papepn.
so, nak kawen 4 pon rase ok la,sbb boleh uruskan keluarge (ke keluarge2?)
dah pandai urus insyaallah bahagia le.
ini contoh je.

ntah la
kalau xpandai urus2,
xpayah la cepat gelabah nak walimatul urus,
naye kat anak dara org nnt.
silap urus kang, due2 kurus.

pandai urus,
bahagia le.

skarang ni nak berpersatuan pun dah ditekankan kepentingan urus2 ni.
mcamane nak uruskan persatuan tu diajar.
name subjek tu- pengurusan persatuan.

satu lagi yg kite perlu la belajar adelah
pengurusan hidup.

iaitu mcmane untuk menguruskan kehidupan. menguruskan semua ini. supaye kite benar2 'hidup'

*kat envelope surat ade tules 'urusan seri paduka baginda', tp setau aku tu title 1 track from butterfingers...

urusan dengan Allah jgn memain.
sekian :)

oh dan ingat ye, urusan tu, bukan masalah ;)

Friday, January 22, 2010

reading test

ya mari mari
banyak nak tules tapi payah nak tules.
nape ntah xtau la.bergelut nak write my mind out.
bergelut nak titipkan luahan dan gelombang otak ini oh oh.
dah le 'there's always a catch'..dah accumulate dah ni.
so ape lg yg boleh ekspresikan diri?

marii kita dengarrr lagu tema untuk post ini

On the corner of main street
Just tryin' to keep it in line
You say you wanna move on and
You say I'm falling behind
Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

I never really gave up on
Breakin' out of this two-star town
I got the green light
I got a little fight
I'm gonna turn this thing around
Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The good old days, the honest man;
The restless heart, the Promised Land
A subtle kiss that no one sees;
A broken wrist and a big trapeze

Oh well I don't mind, if you don't mind
Cause I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you go, can you read my mind?

It’s funny how you just break down
Waitin' on some sign
I pull up to the front of your driveway
With magic soakin' my spine
Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The teenage queen, the loaded gun;
The drop dead dream, the Chosen One
A southern drawl, a world unseen;
A city wall and a trampoline

Oh well I don't mind, if you don't mind
Cause I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you go
Tell me what you find
when you read my mind

Slippin’ in my faith until I fall
You never returned that call
Woman, open the door, don't let it sting
I wanna breathe that fire again

She said
I don't mind, if you don't mind
Cause I don't shine if you don't shine

Put your back on me
Put your back on me
Put your back on me

The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun
When you read my mind

*ni baru sikit

*best x best? ekspresif nih hahaha

Thursday, January 21, 2010

update panas dan pantas sebelah tangan

bak kata dlm iklan, sebelah tangan pon boleh..

memang terbukti benar..skrg ak tgh terkial2 menaip tules entry ni ngan seblah tangan,
mane lagi seblah?
tengah makan ha .ni tgh kat kedai makan.
seni menaip sambil makan.mmg thrill la nasik suap mmg aim lari la sbb mate ngadap laptop.
papepon, sebelah tgn mmg boleh.malaysia boleh!

sbenanye ak tgh makan ni.
makanan dah la panas2 lg , ak pon makan pantas2 la.
tapi selera ak terencat.
aku makan dalam keadaan xselesa, bukan sebab x bayar atau banyak bawang putih,
tapi sbb nun d sudut meja sana, dari td lgi, wujud dan duduk seorang pondan menongkat dagu elok je perhatikan aku mkan.
bajet aku x prasan la? area meja2 ni xde org, aku sorg je.
dah la ko meja depan2 aku je.
aku nk balas tengok balik pon lemah semangat aku bile kene senyum2 attack ni.

terus aku bwk klua laptop lalu menzhirkannye dlm sebuah entry. menaip buat2 serius.

mmg berat ke nk pegi pukul je ni main2 usha xtentu pasal ni.
tp ak srg lpar la, xde tenaga,lps makan kenyang mmg aku nk pegi pukul dia ni.

ok aku nak habiskn makan skrg. bai

Friday, January 15, 2010

benda baik kena kongsi-kongsi kan? MITRAD VI :)

salam dan selamat sejahtera semua!!

ni ada benda best yang nak hebah ni.
jangan lupa temujanji kita pada
18 - 22 januari ni bertempat di Dewan Gemilang UKM
akan ada
yang dah pon memasuki edisi ke-6 di UKM terchenta ini.

selain merupakan ICT fair yang skala mega, MITRAD ni ade part lagi best !
banyaaak lagi pengisian MITRAD VI ni.
ade pertandingan IKON VARSITI
dan lagi
nak tahu lebih lanjut?

klik dibawah ni untuk ke laman MITRAD VI! :D

ramai2 turun shopping
ramai2 turun participate
ramai2 kite berMITRAD!

excited woh haha

sape2 tolong spread the news n promote, really really appreciate it. sayang lebeh hehe :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


this is sincere.dan ini bukan tiba-tiba..ini sebenarnya sentiasa..

saya pon masih xdpt jawap kenape, tp jauh di sudut hati, ade tersimpan rase risau dalam kadar yg berpatutan dgn kawan2 perempuan disekeliling saya.
lebih2 lagi segelintir..yg ade sebab untuk buat jadi risau2.

ape yg buat saya risau, bimbang sangat2..takut.
sebab naivety dan innocence mereka ni yg sangat2 le bak kate omputeh 'ridiculous'.
"ridiculously naive", "ridiculously innocent" ha gitu.
innocence dan naivety kamu jadi alarm buat saya, saya x sangka ada mcm ni.
sangat2 la maknenye. i mean nothing bad, don't bear any ill will.sory..
this is not a crictic at all means.

sangat2 baik, sangat2 periang dan lemah lembut.sangat senang dengan orang.positif.
dan juga, senang percaye, dan menerima dan mengikut (memberi kerjasama)..sebab dah percaya.sebab betul2 terima. akan tolong kalau orang mintak.
dan pada masa yang sama, sangat sensitif dan fragile, dan prihatin dengan kasih sayang yang ada disekeliling. hati lembut..
keadaan mungkin,pada matanya nampak semuanya baik2 saje dan org disekitarnya semua org yg dipercayai dan takkan menyakitinya.

mungkin betul..insyaallah.amin~

kalau jumpa org yg ada niat yg x baik? dan pandai manipulate?

kalau kena tipu macam mane?
kalau kena aniaya macam mane??
kalau kena guna macam mana??? (T^T)

defenseless. sebab mereka ini amat delicate dan vulnerable- sebab dunia bukan semua orang yang sama mcm dalam fikirannya. dalam fikiran innocentnya.
sangat sangat bahaya kalau dapat kat orang yg ada interest yg x elok!

kalau dirapati org yang berniat jahat tanpa disedari mcm mana?
kalau menerima org yang berniat tersembunyi macam mana??
kalau diusik sekumpulan mat2 kutu ditepi jalan sorang2 macam mana???
kalau dalam bas die sorang dan ramai2 laki jahat nak kacau macam mana????
kalau masa test drive kereta instructor kat tepi miang n amek kesempatan macam manaa?????

innocence dan naivety ni mungkin sebab belum pernah jumpa benda2 yg mintak dijauhkan ni. dan tambahan pula mungkin selama ini dia berada dalam suasana yang penih kemesraan dan kasih sayang yang membentuk peribadinya..

memang lah juga, pengalaman pahit yang dilalui akan mengajar kita, tapi saya tak nak mereka ini melalui benda2 mcm ni..sebab mereka ini..lain..they dont deserve to be in any kind of pain.
tapi..saya hanyalah seorang insan biasa.

oleh itu, sebelum saya mengundur diri, saya ada suatu permintaan.

bukan nak menafikan kemurnian, tapi..berhati-hatilah kamu semua..jaga diri baik-baik.jangan mudah sangat menurut percaturan halus yang dilakukan orang..(tapi kamu mana sedar sebab innocent dan naive)...tolonglah jangan jadi ape2 yg x baik..tolonglah lebih alert pasal apa yang mungkin akan berlaku. bukan untuk menggalakkan untuk tidak mempercayai...tapi..kamu2 mungkin mudah mempercayai..insyaallah,kamu akan dapat lindungi diri kamu..dan kamu akan jumpa yang terbaik jauh dari yang batil,
dan kamu akan buat seorang budak kelantan rambut pendek bukan botak teramat happy dan lega.

motif sangat post ini pon.

"apa yg dirisau, dibimbang dan ditakutkan?" - keselamatan

diakhir post aku termenung sejenak,
"aku siapa?"

nak jadi protective, mcm guardian..mcm ayah kpd anak?

enough said, now the song part.

ni lagu tema post kali ni.*peh tetiap post nk ade lagu tema! haha*
tapi sebab there's always a catch, n lagu tu kan ekspresif..dengarkan je le ye.

mane2 yg tersilap mintak maaf.mane2 yg mcm x patut abaikan.
sekian salam hormat take care.


Friday, January 8, 2010

things to think (and search) together

It was heart-wrenching to hear the Prime Minister’s plea to the Malays not to waste any more time with useless activities. And this plea comes after almost 50 years of Merdeka.

It sounds unbelievable, but sad enough it is true, making the search for a towering personality, as Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (now Tun) put it, rather elusive.

To be sure, it is not as though there is none among the Malay community. Only that the community itself is divided by so many vested interest groups or constrained by narrow “political correctness”.

Base on divisive strategies, it pits one against the other and destroys anything in between, including the potential towering personalities.

Like all cultures, the Malay society too harbours negative traits that are bearing it down, best described by three acronyms: BA, MS and PHD.

The first stands for berpura-pura and ampu-mengampu, disguised as playing safe, for fear of rocking the boat. Thus, today, many choose just to go along with anything as long as they are assured of some kind of returns.

Few would want to take some hard stand, just in case they become unpopular and risk being an outcast when trying to be different.

Indeed, there are those who are quick to label people with diverse opinion as "unaccept able", to put it politely.

The preference is towards monolithic thinking of some sort where everyone scratches one another's back, while keeping a watchful eye that one's not outdone by the other.

The weaklings among the Malays love to do this, so much for creating towering personalities.

Next, the MS, menunjuk-nunjuk and syok sendiri. Here the tendency is to pretend to be important by hanging around someone really important, leading to a false sense of self-grandeur, or syok sendiri.

The idea is to be regularly noticed with those who wield influence and power, and the higher their position the better.

Otherwise one could be ostracised, or regarded as disloyal, even though he/she has perfectly valid reasons for not showing up.

Here again there are those with vested interest eager to point a finger, while subtly advancing themselves by rubbing shoulders with the VVIP and jockeying for favours at the expense of those more deserving.

In the course of the event, many potential towering personalities are cut out because they are too busy doing things that matter, rather than pretending to be busy and acting important.

The proverbial Malay with connections thrives on this strategy.

Finally, the infamous PHD — pengkhianat, hasad, dengki. When the rest fails, this killer strategy kicks in because of its ruthless impact fuelled by hatred and envy.

It could be as vicious as employing black magic or direct threat on whatever pre text. In fact, there are those who have no qualms hiring help for this purpose, including the so-called educated.

The idea is to finish off the competitor, more so a towering personality, as soon as possible through character assassination, malicious lies and wild rumour-mongering.

It does not matter if the good name of other people are also dragged through the mud as long as the ends are met.

Amalan berbudi bahasa and nilai-nilai murni have no meaning or place for this group of people desperate to be pseudo towering personalities themselves.

In other words, as long as the Malays still profess such a heinous culture, it will be, difficult to see any towering per sonalities emerging from among them.

If there is one, it would be short-lived because so many are anxious to tear him/her to bits.

Similarly, any potential towering personality spotted will be regarded as a threat, and given the same treatment.

The irony, though, abhor rent as it is, is that these strategies seem to work often enough, as perceived from the impassioned plea made by the Prime Minister recently.

Because of a fragmented Malay society, the rules seem set that if "1 can't have it, no one should" — at least 'not from among the Malays, that is.

So at an early stage of the game many potential towering personalities who are usually more principled and strong-minded are weeded out.

It follows, then, that unless one is politically connected and correct, it is difficult to be a towering personality.

This can be seen from the many professionals and academics who are recognised by the international community as towering personalities, but are simply ignored in their-own country.

Some are even cast aside as enemies, and considered dangerous. Some are put into cold storage.

While admittedly there is no simple and quick way to solve this entrenched problem, it is quite clear that the major obstacle is the myopic attitudinal negative, traits of the Malays which are taking a toll on their collective future.

The sooner this is realised and discarded, the sooner will the Malays blossom as tower ing personalities, as many of them did in the pro-independence era when they were proud of their achievements as a unified people.

Thus, first, the division in the Malay community must be immediately healed, for the healing process alone will produce many towering personalities.

But again is there a towering personality who would want to take the first step?

-Prof Dato' Dzulkifli Abd Razak, Vice-chancellor of USM (

with his comments-Towering Search on Elusive Towering Figures on the New Sunday Times – 13 February 2005




on the other side

lagi post lagu. ade je mende nak tulis. always. all the time.
sebab dalam setiap perkara, there's always a catch.

ask me anything

lagi 1 lagu.cesz..
macam2..xpe la, bukan sekadar bunyi2 je ni. orang kate ape dah?
ha ekspresif.
dalam lagu ade lebih dari skdr lagu kan..ade catchphrase.
sebab buat mase sekarang,ini yg mampu. yg nak .

ini yang real

"ha, ha, ha"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

apekah life

gaya nampak macam bukan lek2 sangat dah. ade time2 mcm orang keje office pakaiannye *tp still smart la*.
rentak pulak nampak macam sentiasa ade something. ade je keje yg kadang datang banyak2 satu masa.nampak mcm bz.
jasad pulak dah tak selalu muncul di tempat2 yg dulunye muka regular, dah tak banyak buat bunyi macam suatu ketika dulu. ade benda lain yg diusahakan somewhere someplace. attend2 benda lain.
ditambah pulak dgn idea2 berat *yg radikal belum kira lg* yang skrg menggantikan kisah2 biase yg lebih simple dan entertain dalam dulu entry light senang nak paham skarang dah heavy duty sikit.

mungkin inilah yg membuatkan perbualan spontan tadi terjadi.

beliau: "ni dari mane ni pakai mcm ni."
aku : "dari kelas x balik lg ni settlekan mende ntok mlm ni ni.tu yg terus pegi sini x balik lg.
beliau: owh..sibuk ko eh."
aku : "xde lah sibuk. biase2 je lagi aku bukannye gile bz. ok je."
beliau: "tak, sentiase macam ade keje je. kejap pegi sane lepas tu lain pulak, bile ko ade mase?"
aku : "aku buat mende2 cam org len gak heh3..xde la tahap gile bz tu..nape?nmpak cam bz ek?"
beliau: "a'ah..nmpak cam xde life.opss"

xde life.xleh terime do

aku : (kelat) erm mmg sejak dua menjak ni mende2 sume tgh gerak lebih sket sikit2.sikit2 sorg.

serta merta aku nak jadi garang tapi hati baik ohh..mmg aku tabeletahhann woo penafian tak tentu pasal tentang ape yg aku usahakan niii...wahai beliau.boleh jadi krisis berulang ni.

a slap in the face *takkan aku pulak slap org* menyedarkan aku le betapa jauh i have fall ke? up? telah jatuh ke naik? fall ke up? dari life yg dulu la.

tp xde life? xde kehidupan yg kehidupan camane tu? ditetapkan ke life untuk zaman ni?
aku rase mcm paham ape maksudnye.ape life yg dimaksudkan sepatutnye tu.
abes nape aku rase lebih alive sekarang?

define life..masing2.

sebab aku mahu hidup.
ajarkan aku untuk hidup.



sometimes it's better to keep yourself occupied with something to do so that u are always on the run.because if u don't have nothing to do, u'll have enough time to remember & think of bitter things that queued l o n g to make u ....

tambah2 lagi perkara yg aku paling treasure dan lebih pentingkan sebelum ini ,sekarang aku rasa sebaliknya. bila sedar, sia-sia semuanya nampaknya bukan seperti yang aku harapkan, dan berikan. ntah,mungkin aku yang tak cukup ikhlas? mungkin aku yg dah bagi lebih2 dalam hal ni?nape jadi mcm ni? aku rase dorg bias.oh mcm rosak je aku ni...tau le dlu k babai.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When the care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't quit.

Life is queer with its twist and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to faint and faltering man,
When the might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out-
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
It's when things seem worst that you musn't quit.

Friday, January 1, 2010


"some things are are better left unsaid"

ni ade lah 1 tajuk esei b.i yang teacher pernah bagi mase mrsm dulu-dulu.
title esei ni holiday assignment..supplementary homework je mcm biase la, lepas cuti lame kadang2 teacher lupe gak ape yg die bagi. lepas cuti terlupe, students nak ingatkan? not likely

termasukla esei ni. ramai yg x buat pon sebenarnye. so lepas cuti tu memang teacher x mintak pon esei ni....

aku ingat benda ni sampai sekarang ni, sebabnye adelah..
aku buat esei ni time cuti aritu. semangat lain macam pulak tu.
aku start buat sebelum cuti lg, lepas tu kat rumah time cuti, sambung balik.

lain punya interest sampai ak buat 3 sheet=6pages. i wrote my mind out.
ceritanya? something yg aku xboleh nak ceritakan kat sini. tapi dalam esei tu aku buat kononnya aku 3rd person yg observe the story la.

kenapa aku buat? kenapa semangat sungguh2? kenapa sekarang ingat lagi?

sebab dari masa tu aku rasa tajuk ni sesuatu yang sesuatu..something la.

memang betul jugak title ni.

dan sekarang aku rasa macam tu lagi.

some things are better left unsaid.
some things are better left undiscovered.
all because there's no guarentee that we are able to accept, take and heal from the hits.
and we are better off without it.

so now..

i just discovered something.

and the discovery damages.

now taking hits wOhoooOO~



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